Thursday, 7 November 2013

What I have learned in my Preliminary Activity?

In the Preliminary Activity I learnt about Media Communication, Institution, Text and Form.In addition I have learnt about genre, connotation and denotation. I have learnt about representation and audience - with audience I have learnt about Primary and Secondary and how to decide on my target audience.With audience I have had to consider their age, what part of the Jicnar Scale they belong, either ABC1 C2DE, whether they're male or female, music tastes, background and hobbies. I've also learnt the key conventions of a  magazine front covers, contents pages.

These include:

Masthead: The name of the magazine, always positioned to the left hand side of the magazine ( Because thats where we look first. )
Headlines: The second largest text on the page, which tells you about the main article of the issue of the magazine. 
Coverlines: The text which talks about the content of the magazine. It's also smaller than the headline.
Pull Quotes: A quote that has been taken from a magazine article.
Features/Articles: Pictures, Information featured in the magazine articles. 
Lure: Something on the front cover to entice the audience / make them want to read the magazine and find out more.
Serif / Sans Serif font: Serif - Words with hooks, feet and brackets. Sans Serif - Words without.
Pug: A shape with text written in it to grab the audiences attention.
Layout: Structure of the magazine.
House Style: Colours, themes, text, that make the magazine.
Mode of Address: The way the magazine speaks to its audience. 
Visual Syntax: The way the readers eye follows the layout of the magazine.
Straplines: Smaller font headline below the main headline.
Banner: Coloured banner with text on it.
Photots: Images used.
Masking: Cutting around the photo to make it blend into the background.
Stand first: An introductory paragraph before the main article.
Drop-shadow: Shadowing around a text to make it stand out.
Cropping: cutting off parts of an image to emphasize a particular thing.
Graphics:the use of design for words and images.

Contents page:
Issue no. / Dates: the date that the magazine is published and the issue number.
Categories/ sections: categorizing the features of the magazine.
Columns:organizing the text in columns.
Caption: a small description of the image that the caption is directly below. 
Pictures: images related to the articles.
Structured layout: making the magazine structured and easier to read.Pull quotes: quotes taken from the articles.
Title (contents): large text to show that this is the contents page of the magazine.
Banners:blocks of colour with text on to make the text stand out.
Headlines:the main title in a large text.
Numbers: showing the page numbers the articles are on.
Colour scheme: colours that link to the house scheme.

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