Monday, 11 November 2013

Final Questionnaire.

1) What age are you?

10-14 [ ]
15-24 [ ]
25-34 [ ]
35+ [ ]
2) Are you male or female

Male [ ]
Female [ ]

3) What part of the jicnar scale are you in?
( The Jicnar Scale consists of Group A (Professionals)

Upper middle class, e.g. Barristers, Doctors, Executives

Group B (Managerial)
Middle class, e.g. Bank Managers, Teachers

Group C1 (Non-Manual)
Lower middle class, white collar workers, e.g. Office Workers

Group C2 (Manual)
Skilled working class, Blue collar workers, e.g. Car Mechanic, Machine operators, Construction workers

Group D (Partly Skilled)
Semi or unskilled manual workers, e.g. Assembly line worker

Group E (Unskilled)
Casual workers, dependent on state benefits, students ) 

Which category do you fall in?

ABC1 [ ]
C2DE [ ]

4) What draws you to a music magazine?

Name / Brand of magazine [ ]
Photos [ ]
The artists featured [ ]
The genre ( of the magazine ) [ ]
The headlines [ ]Other [ ]

5) Would you prefer a music magazine to have short or long articles?

Short [ ]
Long [ ]Both [ ]

6) Would you read a music magazine about new and upcoming artists?

Yes [ ]
No [ ]

7) Do you read any of the following music magazines?

Q [ ]
NME [ ]
Kerrang [ ]
Vibe [ ]
Uncut [ ]
None [ ]

8) How often do you read / buy music magazines?

Weekly [ ]
Fortnightly [ ]
Monthly [ ]
2-6 months [ ]
Yearly [ ]
Never [ ]

9) What do you expect from a music magazine?

New music [ ]
Music / Artist news [ ]
Reviews / Interviews [ ]
Upcoming tours / Concerts [ ]
Letters from readers [ ]All of the above [ ]
None [ ]

10)What artists do you listen to out of this list? ( You can tick more than one )

Bastille [ ]
The Killers [ ]
The 1975 [ ]
Imagine Dragons [ ]
The Lumineers [ ]
Fall Out Boy [ ]
Artic Monkeys [ ]
London Grammar [ ]
Red Hot Chilli Peppers [ ]
Coldplay [ ]
Lana Del Rey [ ]
Kings Of Leon [ ]
Of Monsters & Men [ ]
Kodaline [ ]
Mumford & Sons [ ]
Bombay Bicyle Club [ ]
MGMT [ ]
Arcade Fire [ ]
Muse [ ]
Paramore [ ]
Foster The People [ ]
Florence & The Machine [ ]
Oasis [ ]
The Beatles [ ]
David Bowie [ ] 

Queen [ ]
The XX [ ]
Other [ ] (Please specify ___________________________________________________)
None [ ]

11) How much would you spend on a music magazine?

£1 [ ]
£1.50- £2 [ ]
£2.50 - £3 [ ]
£3.50 - £4 [ ]
£4.50+ [ ]
Other [ ] ( Please specify ________ )
None [ ]

12) Which content page do you prefer?
A [ ]
B [ ]

13) Which name do you like the most: (Tick one )
Elusive [ ]
Basic Space [ ]
Radar [ ]
Reload [ ]
None [ ]

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