My ideal reader would be someone aged between 16-20, in
either school, college or university. My ideal reader would be in that age
range because stereotypically younger people know more about new music, and are
more interested in it, and because my magazine features some new bands, I feel
as if it would appeal to them, rather than an older audience.
They should be into non conventional fashions, and buy
their clothing from shops like Urban Outfitters, Oasis market, and Cow, not only that but they should be
interested in buying the bands merchandise, like clothing, and posters etc, and
take influence from the artists they look up to, on how they dress.
They should be
interested in alternative rock music, and look to spending money on going to gigs, on
both known artists and up-coming, also with an interest in buying things like
vinyl's. Even though they
should have an
interest for new music, they should still be into old bands.
They should use social media sites like Twitter and Facebook as a way to
socialise, and listen to music either through Itunes, Spotify and Soundcloud.
My ideal reader should enjoy going out with their
friends and will attend these festivals
with them due to their similar interests.
They should have or aspire to have quite up to date
phones like iPhones, Samsungs, and
HTC’s, which they can access all social media, and music on.
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